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2022年06月02日 08:19
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项目总体定位为北欧风格,建筑由简约线条构成,立面用玻璃、金属等元素互相搭配,利用透明、反射的特质,让人在室内就感受到室外的树林水溪。使整体风格简约纯粹。色调纯粹、线条简约,自然又不失设计,体现了整体品质。The positioning of theproject is Scandinavian style.The building is composed of simple lines. The facadeuses glass, metal and other elements to match each other. By using thecharacteristics of transparency and reflection, people can feel the woods andstreams in nature indoors.  The overallstyle is simple and pure. Clean and concise tonal and linemakes the design look natural and well designed, it reflectthe overall quality.

景观在风格上与总体风格相统一,提取北欧元素运用到设计当中。设计重点不仅仅放在自然、纯净、现代的风格统领上,更多的是向大众传递人与自然交汇、城与自然相融的未来人居理念,打造一个纯粹、随心、轻松的场所。The landscape design is unified with theoverall style, and the Scandinavian elements are extracted and applied to thedesign.The focus of the design is not only on thenatural, pure and modern style, but also on conveying the future conceptof human and natural intersection and the integration of city and nature to thepublic , creating a pure, casual and relaxed place.

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